NuGet Libraries: Deciding When to Promote to a Separate Package

When developing software, it is often necessary to create shared libraries or components that can be used across multiple projects. One of the challenges of maintaining shared code is deciding when it makes sense to promote the library to a separate NuGet package.

The decision to create a separate NuGet package should be based on several factors, including the size and complexity of the library, the number of projects that use the library, and the cost of maintaining the code in separate applications. Typically, it makes sense to promote a library to a separate NuGet package when the benefits outweigh the costs.

The size and complexity of the library.

One key consideration is the size and complexity of the library. If the library is small and simple, it may not be worth the effort to create a separate NuGet package. However, if the library is large and complex, creating a separate NuGet package can make it easier to manage, test, and deploy.

Package Usage

Another consideration is the number of projects that use the library. If the library is only used in a few projects, it may be more efficient to keep the code in a shared repository. However, if the library is used in many projects, creating a separate NuGet package can simplify versioning and deployment.

Package Maintenance Code

Finally, the cost of maintaining the code in a separate package is a critical consideration. If maintaining the code in separate applications requires significant effort, it may make sense to promote the library to a separate NuGet package. This can help reduce the cost of maintaining and updating the code while also making it easier to share the code across projects.

Promoting a library to a separate NuGet package should be done based on careful consideration of the size and complexity of the library, the number of projects that use the library, and the cost of maintaining the code in separate applications. By making the right decision at the right time, developers can ensure that they are creating efficient and maintainable code that delivers value to their users.